uOK? asking those that feel left out in tech "How are you?"
tell us how you are
I'm alright. I'm tired.
June 6, 2022
Overall ok, but a bit frustrated about work.
May 27, 2022
Okay - more or less - just drained from working at a company I realized I don't necessarily enjoy as much as I thought I would when I was interviewing. Mainly wish that more people on my team would really consider my suggestions
May 26, 2022
feeling productive but also a teensy bit under-appreciated
May 26, 2022
Okay but had a day of not getting much done due to meetings to talk about meetings that we need to set up to do work.
May 26, 2022
I quit this week so it's a roller coaster of emotions: relieved, infuriated, ignored, annoyed, sad, hopeful.
May 26, 2022